As you may well know, our little effort to 'save the DFC' was not in vain.
In January 2012 the team that brought you the DFC will be publishing a new weekly comic called The Phoenix.
Based on the same premise as the DFC and using the same format, The Phoenix promises to be fantastic. You can learn more about it on The Phoenix Blog, on Facebook, and you can listen to chirps from inside the Phoenix's egg on Twitter
If you would like to know more, write to The Phoenix Mailing List so that they can contact you with more information about the new comic.
I got a sneak peek at some of the initial contents and it looks like it is going to be even better than the DFC.
In the period between now and January, The Phoenix team are going to be working hard to create the maximum launch impact for the new comic.
We need to spread the word as wide as possible, and the Phoenix team and I are looking for great marketing ideas. So... if you have any thoughts let us know. Thanks for helping save the DFC - amazingly it seems to have worked.
Now lets help the Phoenix fly.
All the best,
Barnaby Gunning.